Endings to be useful must be inconclusive.
Death brings out the beauty in life.
Que hablen de uno, aunque sea bien
The personal is political, but only to a point.
The fragrance of meditation is enlightenment.
Leaders create a legacy daily.
One doesn't want one's identity coerced.
Pencil. Paper. Forget the world.
Need is choice come to fruition.
All I know is a door into the dark
We can only prosper where we are.
Be Good, Be Generous, Be a Loving Soul
Language is the dress of thought.
Practice transforms a skill into an art
I don't kiss on screen. Period.
Creativity is nothing but an intelligent imitation.
I tend to scare myself.
There is no logic in logics except an illogical logic.
Where is the good memories ? Where is Love ?
When Annie's treatin, you best be eatin.
It's always better, To be Unguided, Than Misguided!!!