Honor miró por la ventana... y vio la sobrecogedora imagen de un ángel con alas de color azul plateado aterrizando en la zona verde del césped. -Es... -Se quedó sin aliento. Había visto fotos, incluso imágenes de televisión, que mostraban a aq...
Le mai le joli mai en barque sur le Rhin Des dames regardaient du haut de la montagne Vous êtes si jolies mais la barque s'éloigne Qui donc a fait pleurer les saules riverains Or des vergers fleuris se figeaient en arrière Les pétales tombés des...
The only grown-up other than Jacob who ever came into his schoolroom was Eli Willard. School was in session one day when the Connecticut itinerant reappeared after long absence, bringing Jacob's glass and other merchandise. Jacob seized him and prese...
Presi in disparte Ryan, sistemandogli la cravatta per non dare nell’occhio. «Fammi un favore. Resta qui e, quando mi girerò verso di te, fissami nella maniera più tenebrosa e scocciata che puoi». «Tenebrosa?». «Sì, beh… hai presente, no?�...
They drove back to her house in silence. Terrance pulled the car into the driveway and turned off the engine. Turning toward her, he said, “Khadejah, I really like you a lot and I don’t want to hurt you. But I’m not a virgin and I like to have ...
And sometimes I believe your relentless analysis of June leaves something out, which is your feeling for her beyond knowledge, or in spite of knowledge. I often see how you sob over what you destroy, how you want to stop and just worship; and you do ...
Love was the greatest thing, wasn't it? Love was what we had that no one else had or could ever have? And you were a genius and I was your whole life. I was your partner and your little black flower. Slop. Love is just another dirty lie. Love is ergo...
Do you see, Harry? Do you see the flaw in my brilliant plan now? I had fallen into the trap I had foreseen, that I had told myself I could avoid, that I must avoid.” “I don’t —” “I cared about you too much,” said Dumbledore simply. “I...
A Oliveira le gustaba hacer el amor con la Maga porque nada podía ser más importante para ella y al mismo tiempo, de una manera difícilmente comprensible, estaba como por debajo de su placer, se alcanzaba en él un momento y por eso se adhería de...
Coba kau pikirkan baik-baik. Kondisi semua orang sama saja. Sama seperti ketika kita naik pesawat rusak. Tentu saja di situ ada orang yang bernasib baik dan bernasib buruk. Ada yang tangguh, ada juga yang lemah; ada yang kaya, ada pula yang miskin. H...
Un colpo secco squarciò il velo di silenzio adagiato sulla casa abbandonata e la grande porta bianca precipitò, trascinando con sé tutta la rabbia, il rancore e la frustrazione di quei folli giorni che sarebbero rimasti nella Storia. La quiete di ...
I am a plant, she said, I need fire, earth, water. Otherwise I will be stunted. And: Is marriage not such a stunting? The fire goes out. The wind grows weak. The earth dries out. The water dwindles. I would die. You too. She tossed her hair over her ...
Uma criança recém-nascida, julga-se infinita. Não sabe onde é que acaba, onde é que tem os seus limites. Depois, descobre os pés e fica fascinada. É um bebé que se depara com os seus limites: Ah, é então aqui que finda o meu corpo. E, aos p...
A lover finds his mistress asleep on a mossy bank; he wishes to catch a glimpse of her fair face without waking her. He steals softly over the grass, careful to make no sound; he pauses -- fancying she has stirred: he withdraws: not for worlds would ...
I am too alone in the world, and yet not alone enough to make every moment holy. I am too tiny in this world, and not tiny enough just to lie before you like a thing, shrewd and secretive. I want my own will, and I want simply to be with my will, as ...
Bor era bello da fare male. Il cuore della ragazza saltò un battito quando il suo profumo le raggiunse le narici e inondò la sua mente come una droga. Un accenno di barba disegnava il contorno appuntito del mento e le labbra si schiusero in un ghig...
From a distance,' he says, 'my car looks just like every other car on the freeway, and Sarah Byrnes looks just like the rest of us. And if she's going to get help, she'll get it from herself or she'll get it from us. Let me tell you why I brought thi...
Oh God, midnight’s not bad, you wake and go back to sleep, one or two’s not bad, you toss but sleep again. Five or six in the morning, there’s hope, for dawn’s just under the horizon. But three, now, Christ, three A.M.! Doctors say the body�...
La imagen de la biblioteca como refugio en donde se repliega la afectividad de Juana Inés y se despliega su actividad mental, ha de completarse con otra, que toca a la voluntad y al carácter: la biblioteca es el lugar del tesoro. Todo tesoro tiene ...
Hey I'm sorry about the other day. Didn't mean to give you a hard time, I ---" He held up his hands. "It's no problem. And I didn't mean to be pushy. But i've seen a lot of people let the bad around them make them hard or stubborn. In the end, they m...
Son todas líneas”, pensó y comenzó a ver a cada una de esas personas como una raya trazada sobre un hipotético mapa. Un gigantesco enredo de calles que se cruzaban, se rozaba, se unían y luego proseguían adelante. Allí afuera, en los caminos...