She was still hugging the cat. "Poor slob," she said, tickling his head, "poor slob without a name. It's a little inconvenient, his not having a name. But I haven't any right to give him one: he'll have to wait until he belongs to somebody. We just s...
A little white woman, . . . [a] tiny little white woman I could fit in my pocket.’ . . . ‘And I don’t know why I’m surprised. You don’t even notice it – you never notice. You think it’s normal. Everywhere we go, I’m alone in this… t...
In a society so estranged from animals as ours, we often fail to credit them with any form of language. If we do, it comes under the heading of communication rather than speech. And yet, the great silence we have imposed on the rest of life contains ...
Little Cinder Girl, they can't understand you. You rise from the as-heap in a blaze and only then do they recognize you as their one true love. While you pray beneath your mother's tree you carrve a phoenix into your palm wth aa hazel twig and coal; ...
Así es. Entonces de todos modos, tu y tu hermano vinieron a la fiesta y tan pronto entraste por la puerta, Liam se quedo mirándote. Él literalmente no podía apartar sus ojos de ti. Tu sonreíste y le dijiste feliz cumpleaños, pero ni siquiera po...
Mister Geoffrey, my experiment shows that the dynamo and the bulb are both working properly," I said. "So why won't the radio play?" "I don't know," he said. "Try connecting them here." He was pointing toward a socket on the radio labeled "AC," and w...
But I am scared. Everybody's scared." "You know what I mean, like scared scared. Like coward scared, like if you never went to begin with. But with everything you've done nobody's going to doubt you." Then she made a somewhat frantic speech about a w...
I am always hearing. . . the sound of a far off song. I do not exactly know where it is, or what it means; and I don't hear much of it, only the odour of its music, as it were, flitting across the great billows of the ocean outside this air in which ...
When you find yourself in one of those mystical/devotional frames of mind or in am emergency and you feel you want to pray, then pray. Don’t ever be ashamed to pray or feel prevented by thinking yourself unworthy in any way. Fact is whatever terrib...
Sometimes, most times, when I think back to the people that I loved, the person that I was... I feel like I'm reading the pages of a book written about someone else's life. I can't believe that was me. I can't believe that was you. I can't believe th...
The main reason I became a teacher is that I like being the first one to introduce kids to words and music and people and numbers and concepts and idea that they have never heard about or thought about before. I like being the first one to tell them ...
Ecco: adesso la Luna mi parla. È un volto freddo e luminoso che galleggia là fuori nel buio, e queste sono le sue prime parole, un segnale limpido e sintetico di fredda, incontaminata intelligenza che giunge alla mia consolle attraverso l’etere. ...
My wife and I just don't have the same feelings for each other we used to have. I guess I just don't love her anymore and she doesn't love me. What can i do?" "The feeling isn't there anymore?" I asked. "That's right," he reaffirmed. "And we have thr...
Am I making something worth while? I’m not sure. I write and I sing and I hear words from time to time about my life and choices making ways, into other lives, other hearts, but am I making something worth while? I’m not sure. There was a boy las...
When I went on anyway, my body began to grow cold, and I thought I was dead. Face pale, my dead self sat down on a bench and began to turn toward my real self, who was watching this hallucination on the screen of the night. My dead self came nearer, ...
I was watching when the Enforcers arrived. I saw them go into Rosa’s. There were so many I’d never have gotten close enough to do anything. I could hear them talking about what they’d do to you as they went in and I thought I’d lost you.” H...
My 'morals' were sound, even a bit puritanic, but when a hidebound old deacon inveighed against dancing I rebelled. By the time of graduation I was still a 'believer' in orthodox religion, but had strong questions which were encouraged at Harvard. In...
How do I love thee? wondered Orion. "Let me see. I love thee passionately and eternally...obviously eternally-that goes without saying." Holly blinked sweat from her eyes. "Is he serious?" she called over her shoulder to Foaly. "Oh, absolutely," said...
I won’t share you, Dylan. I mean that. If you think for one second now that we’re married, you can try and pull some kind of shit over on me, you’d better think again. I can take whatever you can dish out when it comes to pain, embarrassment an...
Iš tūkstančio gal šimtas mąsto taip, kad verti žmogaus vardo. Iš to šimto gal vienas iš tikrųjų tiki, o dešimt visą gyvenimą abejoja, bet tai irgi tikėjimo požymis, nors kol kas tu šito gal nesupranti. Keli silpnuoliai puola į burtu...
Iš tūkstančio gal šimtas mąsto taip, kad verti žmogaus vardo.Iš to šimto gal vienas iš tikrųjų tiki, o dešimt visą gyvenimą abejoja, bet tai irgi tikėjimo požymis, nors kol kas tu šito gal nesupranti. Keli silpnuoliai puola į burtus...