Not lost, but gone before.
I experience God as the power of love.
Forgiveness is the final form of love.
God requireth not a uniformity of religion.
Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it.
Opposition is an inevitable reality of pastoral life.
There is no knowing that does not begin with knowing God.
Work ends up dehumanizing people.
I was proud to march beside some of the most notable Civil Rights activists, such as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Joseph L. Rauh, Jr., from Selma to Montgomery.
Wretched are those who are vindictive and spiteful.
The dose makes the poison.
If everything is mission, nothing is mission.
Remorse is the pain of sin.
Prayer is where the action is.
Untold millions are still untold.
Passion is the drunkenness of the mind.
We all have the duty to do good.
Love is friendship set on fire.
If, then, faith widens the connections, it elevates the man.
My faith has no bed to sleep upon but omnipotence.
Define yourself radically as one beloved by God.