This was a Darkness born of fire.
face touchage" "lame-sauce" "Sulky McSulkerton
There is magic in all life.
And then there was an explosion.
Be proud of who you are.
Smoking is suicide by instalments.
Eternity was a restless bitch.
Everything’s an act. Everything’s strategy.
Perfection’s unattainable but it isn’t unapproachable.
do it or don't do it but get on with it...
The taste of moon's song.
Embrace the love of God.
There is an end to everything.
Love for books,love for wisdom.
We are capable of learning.
Music is a great healer.
Age is like love, it cannot be hid.
The anger of lovers renews their love.
In art as in love, instinct is enough.
Originality is the art of concealing your source.
The practice of the law is a perfectly distinct art.