The only way a woman can ever reform a man is by boring him so completely that he loses all possible interest in life.
A woman is always beutiful to the one who has fallen in love with her, nothing can dampen her image before his eyes.
They were from different generations, culture, nations. But even these things did not divide them so much as their separate conceptions of what it meant to be a woman.
I begin to perceive that I am a woman. What that is, heaven knows... the philosophy is yet to be written, there is a world to be explored.
But when you kiss me there's a spark, and I can't remember I'm only food to be consumed like an apple and not loved like a woman.
Because I'm a woman, and I'm petite and blonde, you wouldn't believe how often I'm asked to model the clothes.
Valentine's Day is the hardest day of the year for a woman to get out, but everybody who is anybody and single is out that night.
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .... one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...
I really identified with Pocahontas' struggles as a young woman trying to identify herself in a modern, changing world and trying to stay true to her culture and heritage.
I feel like every woman is a queen, and we should be treated as such, and we should, you know, sort of request that sort of treatment from others.
Dolly Parton made me chicken and dumplings. That Tennessee woman can burn some pots! And we know that I am not necessarily shy to a fork!
Some of the mail I've had has been weird. When I played Guy of Gisborne, a woman crocheted a mini-version of me.
I'd like to know what law is it that says that a woman is a better parent, simply by virtue of her sex.
Have the faith you are enough, the temerity to realize you are worthy, and the hunger to be the man or woman people will adore and appreciate fully.
I remain fascinated by where you go as a woman once you are a mother, and if you ever come back.
I did a film that's on YouTube of me reading hate mail with a woman playing the cello in the background.
I am all for trying out various kinds of hair styles. I have even worn a wig earlier in a film where I essayed the part of a woman.
Some Russian ballet master woman said there's no culture in America, but if you look you can find interesting stuff in this country, don't you think?
There is a tension in relationships between wanting to return to the womb, but also wanting to be free. Because sometimes the woman's attentions can be overly maternal, and you want to go, 'Ahhhh!'
I'm not afraid of a rant, am I? I've got to that point where I've just become a woman; I think I've just grown.
A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes.