When you get married you forget about kissing other women.
When there's a war, people get married.
Don't marry without love, but don't love without reason.
If women were really good, God would be married.
Whoever marries for money will have unworthy children.
Never advise anyone to go to war or to marry.
The day you marry, it is either kill or cure.
Marrying is easy, it's housework that's hard.
The surest way to be alone is to get married.
I said I do. Not to getting married, but to don’t.
Not every happy person is married, and, Not every married person is happy.
I don't see myself getting married again, but if I do, it will be forever.
If and when we get married, only a completely opposite system will prevail.
I can't get married. I can't fake sleep for 30 years.
Even married people have differences of opinion, I'm told.
I'm a married man and I've got two children, and you have to do sacrifices.
One fool at least in every married couple.
It's the cynics who never get married.
I've always said I'm going to get married only once.
Don't get married in a house where there is no toilet.
It isn`t premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married.