How sweet is the assurance, how comforting is the peace that come from the knowledge that if we marry right and live right, our relationship will continue, notwithstanding the certainty of death and the passage of time. Men may write love songs and s...
Ask yourself a simple question. Do you want to keep playing, offence and defense included, for the rest of your life? Is this what you are marrying for? If answer is no, then stay away from Sporting Demons. If somehow the answer is yes or you, yourse...
I think it is a duty I owe to my profession and to my sex to show that a woman has a right to the practice of her profession and cannot be condemned to abandon it merely because she marries. I cannot conceive how women's colleges, inviting and encour...
What you are as a single person, you will be as a married person, only to a greater degree. Any negative character trait will be intensified in a marriage relationship, because you will feel free to let your guard down -- that person has committed hi...
[Joel calls Clem on the telephone] Clementine: What took you so long? Joel: I just walked in. Clementine: Do you miss me? Joel: Oddly enough, I do! Clementine: You said "I do" - I guess that means we're married! Joel: I guess so!
Monco: Why this hotel and not some other? Fernando: You probably wouldn't that other place as much, signor. At that place you'd stay up half the night shooting cockroaches. At this hotel, the rooms will cost you so much less. And there's a landlady a...
Captain Ramius: I miss the peace of fishing like when I was a boy. Forty years I've been at sea. A war at sea. A war with no battles, no monuments... only casualties. I widowed her the day I married her. My wife died while I was at sea, you know.
Natalie: Get rid of Dodd for me. Kill him. I'll pay you. Leonard Shelby: Are you crazy? I'm not gonna kill someone for money. Natalie: What then? Love? What would you kill for? You'd kill for your wife, wouldn't you? Leonard Shelby: That's different!...
Daphna: We should stay at home. Avner: You are the only home I ever had. Daphna: [laughs] This is so corny. Avner: What? That took a lot for me to say! Daphna: I bet. Why did I have to marry a sentimentalist? You're ruining my life. Avner: [to their ...
Sarah: I know what you really are, and Alfred, I can't live like this. Alfred Borden: Oh, you think I can live like this? You think I bloody enjoy living like this? We have a beautiful house, lovely little girl, we're married, what is *so* wrong with...
Ahmad: Eat it now. You'll never get a chance to eat Gorme Sabzi [an Iranian food] Ahmad: in future. Unless you'll marry to a fun Iranian husband and you Fouad, an Iranian wife. Fouad: What does an Iranian woman look like? Ahmad: Like me! [Ahmad moves...
Prison Counsellor: Most men your age Hi, are getting married and raising up a family. H.I.: Well factually, the... Prison Counsellor: They wouldn't accept prison as a substitute. Would any of you men care to comment. Gale: Well, sometimes your career...
Price: Are you questioning me? Sefton: Getting acquainted. I'd like to make one friend in this barracks. Price: Well, don't bother, Sefton. I don't like you, I never did, and I never will. Sefton: A lot of people say that, and the first thing you kno...
Amos Calloway: I haven't seen a customer this depressed since the elephant sat on that farmer's wife! Amos Calloway: [laughs, beat] Amos Calloway: Depressed? [Karl laughs] Amos Calloway: See, the big guy likes it. Young Ed Bloom: I just saw the woman...
Abby: He gave me a little pearl-handled .38 for our first anniversary. Ray: Uh-huh. Abby: Figured I'd better leave before I used it on him. I don't know how you can stand him. Ray: Well, I'm only an employee, I ain't married to him.
I used to feel so alone in the city. All those gazillions of people and then me, on the outside. Because how do you meet a new person? I was very stunned by this for many years. And then I realized, you just say, "Hi." They may ignore you. Or you may...
Love shouldn’t be something you jump into because it’s the right time in your life or because your friends are all married. It should be something that happens naturally, and in the end it turns into the supernatural because suddenly, you can’t...
Aunt Libby: "I think I'm getting married! I've been dying to tell you." Raven: "You are? Congrats! Dad didn't mention..." Aunt Libby: "Well, okay, it's not official or anything. In fact, we haven't officially gone out yet. I just met him last night.
Later, when we've found this mysterious ship of Hector's and are safely away, when I have time to rest and worry and a quiet corner to hide in, I will coldly remember that being a queen means being strategic. And I will imagine sending off the man I ...
Its your decision, Simon Lewis," said Magnus. "Remain in the existence you have, go to college, study music, get married. Live your life. Or---you can have an uncertain life of shadows and dangers. You can have the joy of reading the stories of incre...
What a woman’s heart looks like is far more valuable than what she looks like on the outside. Often guys look for outer beauty, but it proves to be deceptive and fleeting. There are many men who marry for a woman's good looks and years down the roa...