You can't have a happy family if you don't have a happy marriage.
I hope gay marriage will be legal in every state.
The great marriages are partnerships. It can't be a great marriage without being a partnership.
I do think the secret to a good marriage is separate bathrooms.
Where there's marriage without love, there will be love without marriage.
Most Americans don't care about gay marriage.
Traditional marriage is what should be sanctioned.
I'm for gay marriage, because I'm for gay divorce.
I ran to my marriage, I was happily ready to take on marriage.
Gay marriage acceptance is happening in the blink of an eye.
I'm endlessly fascinated by parenting, marriage, my wife and the ins and outs of marriage.
Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage.
Love does wonders, but money makes marriages.
Better a good hanging than a bad marriage.
The emotional place where a marriage begins is not nearly as important as the emotional place where a marriage finds itself toward the end, after many years of partnership.
While your character flaws may have created mild problems for other people, they will create major problems for your spouse and your marriage.
The marriage of Zeus and Hera can hardly be reframed into a "happy one" and yet Hera is the Goddess of marriage. Hera and Zeus could be described as quarrelsome predecessors of the Holy Family. For the Greeks they symbolized marriage par excellence.
You live in a world at war. Spiritual attack must be a category you think in or you will misunderstand more than half of what happens in your marriage.
The authors challenge that the marriage in which one cannot express disappointment has become an idol – The Thing that Cannot Be Questioned.
You want him praising the Lord in the morning, you put a smile on his face tonight.
Marriage of attraction is a gamble anyway, so you might as well marry into a family that is similar to your own, and make that much less of an adjustment. But the 'love marriage', as it is called, is equally common in India now. But it would be inter...