I dig all kinds of competition.
When I was little, there were three channels.
Beginner's luck is great for beginners.
I was put here to sing.
There are no managers like there used to be managers.
I'm the messiest person I know.
I was not a Mouseketeer, but a lot of people think I was.
I'm not trying to be the new anybody.
No, I don't belong to a retirement community.
I like rules that are broken.
I didn't go to college.
I'm an actress. It's my passion.
What I do is I'm a bandleader, frontman, entertainer.
Originally I was not writing songs for myself.
I had a lot of depression as a kid.
I'm extremely close to my mother.
My father was a beautiful man.
I'm not chic, I could never be chic.
A lot of my writing is not terribly civilized.
I want to be an integrated woman.
Everything is real on me.