Tears come from the heart and not from the brain.
I'm so grounded, it's sad.
All is fair in love and songwriting.
I'd love to a duet with Luther Vandross.
I'd love to do drama if it was interesting.
Dogs have a lot of love.
I like Beyonce's music - some of it, not all of it.
The public doesn't want new music.
I'm very inspired by past music.
I'm really passionate about music.
There's a lot of music that I don't like.
The roots of Cuban music are in my head.
Singing is just a feeling set to music.
I want my music to do the explaining.
I privilege the music over the lyrics.
English music is white - it evades everything.
I'm not trained in music.
Swing is my favorite kind of music.
I like music to soothe me.
The passion and spontaneity in music is all gone.
My music is fun, kind of cheeky.