Music is such a problem in the time it takes.
Music isn't only a profession.
Music is a safe kind of high.
Most of today's music is done electronically.
Music should be your escape.
I don't really listen to music.
I don't see music as working.
I'm definitely a risk-taker with my music.
To me, style is consistency.
The road is not a problem.
I'm proud of my sexuality.
My first concert was 'Nsync.
Learning is not cumpulsory... neither is survival.
I have no regrets at all.
I'm a fan of X-men.
Dylan can do no wrong.
Children are not a burden.
I can't even speak Hawaiian, but if you go there and listen to a Hawaiian song, you get captured because it's so beautiful, like the melody is just gorgeous and you know Bob Marley is on the radio every single day. It's very reggae-influenced down th...
Ridicule is the first and last argument of a fool.
He who angers you conquers you.
To rule one's anger is well; to prevent it is better.