If it were better, it wouldn't be as good.
I'm good at picking friends.
Good students are good at all things.
There is no such thing as a good tax.
It costs you something to do good!
I saw a stationery store move.
If it bends, it's funny; if it breaks, it's not funny.
It's a funny old world.
One picture is worth 1,000 denials.
If I don't offend somebody, then I'm probably not funny.
I don't control the line of 'funny,' 'funny,' 'funny,' 'not funny.'
Our God is a forgiving God.
Clouds symbolize the veils that shroud God.
Prayer is man's greatest power!
Genius is initiative on fire.
Life is like an analogy.
Security has no place in the life of an actress.
Purpose is what gives life a meaning.
All news is an exaggeration of life.
It's been a terrific life.
No one is satisfied with their life's work.