The Law is hard, but it is the Law.
Art never comes from happiness.
Love is bullshit. Emotion is bullshit.
She's using me. And I like it.
Mothers are all slightly insane.
Director of Ensuring the Future
The most reckless thing of all.
Gold is the corpse of value...
Can I have Jake and Coke--uh, Jack and Cock
Aşk; hayatın tümü demek değildir.
Marriage converts a player into a polygamist.
Not all tongues that wag cohabit with a brain.
A lamb in a city of wolves.
Histories are instruments of oppression.
He's like a drug for you, Bella.
That's so cute! They have birdbaths in the church!
Grief is a peculiar emotion.
Into the sky to win or die.
Poets can dodge. ("Evening Primrose")
A pier is a disappointed bridge.
Has Solan addled your brain?