If my 'mind' don't mind, I don't mind.
People have boldness to criticize but not to sensitize.
Forgiving is not an easy thing to do.
What happened to me in Somalia doesn't define me.
Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor.
All leadership in the Kingdom is by example.
God's timing is like Jazz.
Speech is the voice of the heart.
What isn’t clear, isn’t French.
I'm proud to be Martha Stewart's daughter.
I have a very muscular face.
If it's hard to remember, it'll be difficult to forget.
Silence is the unbearable repartee.
I only watch MSNBC for the news.
If you are a housewife, take pride in that.
A good mother is irreplaceable.
It is important to remember yourself.
"We are not over when we think we are.
I didn't kill innocent people.
A drummer is usually like the backbone.
American greatness was elevated significantly after Sputnik.