Yet I was Marilyn Manson - times 10.
All the people know Tomba, but not the real Alberto.
I shop more than most women.
You say it best, when you say nothing at all.
Some of the best songs I've written, I've written in 10 minutes.
Peter Baltes was the best bassist I ever played with.
I'm happy when I'm doing what I do best.
I think poetry is best read to oneself.
My mother was my best friend and confidante.
For me, the best vacation is just relaxing on the couch!
There used to be a real me, but I had it surgically removed.
The thing is, I'm a very practical filmmaker.
I'm not sure the public knows what it wants.
I'm not quite as buoyant as I was in my youth.
I'm sure that Jesus was an incredible person.
I tasted freedom and I really liked it.
I certainly was one of the instigators in the 1960s of freedom of expression.
Before I got in this business I was in the chicken business.
I'm constantly working, even when I'm at home.
I was home schooled starting in seventh grade.
There are names I do not want mentioned in my home.