I was brought up in a household of chaos and I never felt stable at home.
My house feels like a proper home. It's very relaxed with a hippyish vibe.
Theater dressing rooms are my home away from home - my second home, really.
I am a voyager - and the voyage cannot mean that I stay at home.
Not too many people can afford for the wife to stay home and raise the kids.
These kids today, everything is about hitting a vocal home run.
I grew up in a household where everybody lived at the top of his lungs.
At home, we live on the beach, and it's like every day is a date.
I always feel at home doing a little bit of action.
Home will always be London. There's something unique about the British. It's about cheekiness.
Atlanta's my musical home. It really was the place where I really came alive.
Somerset is where I call home, and where I feel most myself.
I'm barely at home enough to enjoy the simple lifestyle that I want to live.
I'm always going to live in Texas. Texas is my home - it'll be my home forever.
I feel so much at home onstage and so comfortable in my body.
He never yelled or screamed so I felt very at home and comfortable.
When I come home, I'm just Maisie, and everywhere I go, I'm just Maisie!
But it's just been recently that Nashville has started to feel like home.
Even if your job is a professional singer, we still dork out at home.
All I do is sit at home and play guitar. That's seriously what I do.
I was very, very shy in public and school, and quite loud and brash at home.