I don't have time to be negative.
As a model, I travel non-stop.
Art is life's dream interpretation.
Maria is the best reason to come home.
I'm a pretty organised traveller.
A man is as old as his arteries.
Sacred spaces can be created in any environment.
I wasn't a very good teacher.
Victory is fleeting. Losing is forever.
I don't read all the newspapers.
Sports is to war as pornography is to sex.
Hate is not the opposite of love; apathy is.
A scientist should be the happiest of men.
I like the edge of danger.
When you're on top, you're on top.
The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism.
Seulement la terre qui obéit, sait bien qu'elle tourne en rond, tandis que nous vers l'infini nous précipitons. Translation: But the obedient Earth well knows that she moves round and round, whereas we hurtle down toward infinity.
That which struck the present writer most forcibly on his first perusal of the 'Origin of Species' was the conviction that Teleology, as commonly understood, had received its deathblow at Mr. 's hands. For the teleological argument runs thus: an orga...
As readers, we are seldom interested in the fine sentiments of a lesson learnt; we seldom care about the good manners of morals. Repentance puts an end to conversation; forgiveness becomes the stuff of moralistic tracts. Revenge - bloodthirsty, justi...
I haven't come to you only to take , I haven't come to you empty handed : I bring you poetry as great as yours but in anther tongue , I bring you black eyes and golden skin and curly hair , I bring you Islam and Luxor and Alexandria and Lutes and tam...
Inevitably they find their way into the forest. It is there that they lose and find themselves. It is there that they gain a sense of what is to be done. The forest is always large, immense, great and mysterious. No one ever gains power over the fore...