Don't take things too seriously.
At Ungaro, I discovered the flou and the language of Paris.
The secret to a great marriage is having a great husband.
With time, fashion has become part of my DNA.
I love to live in a magical place.
Style is primarily a matter of instinct.
Sit-ups and push-ups work without a gym.
I walk to work, so boots are a staple for me.
You're just jealous," I said. "You can believe what you want," Aaron said. "But somebody's stealing from the Grimm Collection. They're either taking the objects or somehow sucking out their magic. Doc and theh librarians are going to find out who, an...
Marc’s hand tightened visibly around Kevin’s fingers, his digits going white. Again. Both men clenched their jaws, Kevin in pain, and Marc in an obvious effort to control his temper and keep from breaking Kevin’s hand. Off. Why couldn’t guys ...
Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions.
I make clothes people can wear; I don't make art.
I want to keep a luxurious look in daywear.
I learn much more by traveling by myself.
What is too much? There is no such thing!
I don't plan massively in advance.
Losing my mum. That was a punch-me moment.
I love my beauty. It's not my fault.
History has demonstrated that efforts to censure and control communication will not succeed.
I've generally got a good eye for design and proportion.
I design to make women feel confident and beautiful.