Many eat that on earth that they digest in hell.
I have anonymously helped many thousands.
There were so many people who wanted me for their films.
Done because we are too many.
The soul has many motions, body one.
Success can eliminate as many options as failure
I've been blessed in so many ways.
Many have exchanged the touch of God for the applause of men
I have so many different voices and stories to tell.
Life is a Rainbow of many shades and colours...
Time is at the core of so many aspects of modern physics.
Many roads to take some to joy some to heart ache
Life is a book. There are many pages to be written.
I've lived through what seems to most - and myself - many lives.
I've played too many tennis hours.
For all of my fortune, there are many with misfortune that need a hand.
I hear many extra-musical things somehow in Coltrane.
The Foxhall jaw has now been missing for many years.
The Dalmatian breed of dog has many primitive characteristics.
The whole concept of negotiating is intimidating to many people.
Many states favor joint custody.