Do you know how many concerts I've done in my whole life, in more than 35 years of performing? Sixty-four.
I've approached so many things in my life with such intensity that I want to approach motherhood with dedication and focus.
My life has flourished in so many ways both personally and professionally that I can't ask for a better life.
I was a savage for so many years of my life. There was some seed of determination in me that I was not conscious of. I was mostly consciously getting into trouble and drunk.
I've been watching RFD-TV for a few years. As a person who lives mostly in the country, I appreciate a network that shows the many facets of rural life.
I don't have many deal breakers. I've done so much in my life, it doesn't feel right to judge other people.
The things of Catholic life are never boring because we have such a rich tradition and so many stories to tell.
I'm a woman who has gone through many heartaches, enough to dedicate my whole life to trying to figure them out.
A free life cannot acquire many possessions, because this is not easy to do without servility to mobs or monarchs.
My acting career began on the streets of New York. When I was a cop, I played many impressive roles, from derelict to a doctor, and my life often depended on my performance.
It's hard to stay true to yourself and what you want in life when there are so many distractions and so much craziness going on around you.
Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.
Life is full of what-ifs, many of which could easily have been realities, had just a few things been different.
For many, living a Christlike life every day may be even more difficult than laying down one's life.
It is intensely frustrating. The longer you live, the more interesting life gets, and yet many of the parts involve carrying trays and putting lamb chops down in front of the leading man.
I've come to accept that the life of a frontrunner is a hard one, that he will suffer more injuries than most men and that many of these injuries will not be accidental.
The domination of western values, beliefs and way of life has angered many from the east and in developing countries.
I think that would be ungrateful if I were upset because I'm seen as attractive or sexy. That's opened so many doors for me in my life.
I'd love to do theater. I've done so many plays in my life. I still think of that as my main thing.
Each day, each one of us chooses not to do many things that would be legal but offensive to those around us.
There are so many stories about boys becoming heroes, learning their powers and becoming incredibly heroic. There have to be those stories for girls, too.