What I worry about is not just Nissan, but Japanese manufacturers losing motivation to maintain production in Japan. The high yen is definitely a headwind.
Manufactured scandals prohibit public servants from doing the job they were elected or appointed to do.
Republicans are manufacturing a Social Security crisis that does not exist in order to dismantle Social Security.
We are seeing the cells of plants and animals more and more clearly as chemical factories, where the various products are manufactured in separate workshops.
To give you some background, I represent the largest manufacturing district and the largest agricultural district in Ohio.
I have never received a flute from them for free and I would not accept such a gift from any manufacturer.
Hollywood is the kind of place that takes what you do well in one thing and manufactures it so the joy can be taken out of it.
Products made in China are cheap through the exploitation of the workforce. Every time we shop, we are driving the nail further into the coffin of American manufacturing jobs.
In course of time the Brothers Cowper removed the manufacture of their printing machines from London, to Manchester. There they found skilled and energetic workmen, ready to carry their plans into effect.
I wonder sometimes if manufacturers of foolproof items keep a fool or two on their payroll to test things.
We've switched from a culture that was interested in manufacturing, economics, politics - trying to play a serious part in the world - to a culture that's really entertainment-based.
Most British cheeses are now vegetarian and are labelled accordingly. However, French and Italian manufacturers still tend to use rennet.
It is irrelevant to the entrepreneur, as the servant of the consumers, whether the wishes and wants of the consumers are wise or unwise, moral or immoral. He produces what the consumers want. In this sense he is amoral. He manufactures whiskey and gu...
Unfortunately robots capable of manufacturing robots do not exist. That would be the philosopher's stone, the squaring of the circle.
Steve Jobs was the greatest manufacturer of consumer products of his age. His marketing vision put him on par with Henry Ford, and his grasp of the aesthetic component to industrial design far surpassed Ford's.
The accumulation of skill and science which has been directed to diminish the difficulty of producing manufactured goods, has not been beneficial to that country alone in which it is concentrated; distant kingdoms have participated in its advantages.
Sometimes, you have to manufacture your own history. Give fate a push, so to speak.
A person is what he says and does; that's how you learn whether his reputation was earned or manufactured.
We all make mistakes. Some just manufacture them in a factory and sell them to the public.
Everything I’ve learned about handshakes is from hands-on experience. Due to hygiene, I only network with rubber glove manufacturers.
Manufacturers employ more than 14 million Americans doing what Americans do best, making things, building things, transforming raw materials into finished products.