History is written by the winners.
Get there first with the most.
My parents own a restaurant in Albuquerque.
Don't talk about it, be about it
I'm thankful to have time to write.
Black graffiti on a black helicopter.
Life's a one way ticket
Reality is a life sentence.
Pain is the doorway to wisdom and to truth.
My only scheme was to be a rapper.
Silence is the music of the heart.
We are the creation of love for the love.
Be loving to find the love.
Love is the best wisdom.
Many people experience Gethsemane moments.
Everybody is determined by his own experience.
Tennis just a game, family is forever.
I need to work to support my family.
Color is an intense experience on its own.
My experience with Buffalo Springfield was that they did not rehearse.
For me, there is no such thing as a negative experience.