Diplomacy: the art of restraining power.
Yoga is an art and science of living.
The mediator of the inexpressible is the work of art.
Personality is everything in art and poetry.
In art the best is good enough.
The principle of art is to pause, not bypass.
Art must not serve might.
Art seduces, but does not exploit.
The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.
Politicians are masters of the art of deception.
I have not betrayed Julia.
Happiness is the best revenge
Heaven is not a republic.
Mothers are generally starvers or feeders
The best road to progress is freedom's road.
The spread of freedom is the best security for the free.
The only cure for contempt is counter-contempt.
Life is real, not ideal.
I Lie and that's the Truth
Hypocrisy is the outside of cynicism.
The beloved is the ultimate fetish.