It is easier to stay out than get out.
The more things are forbidden, the more popular they become.
As a singer, the biggest joy I have are the arrangements.
Each one of them is Jesus in disguise.
Work without love is slavery.
Characters are just extensions of my madness.
Learn tricks from others, Become a trickster
It may have happened, it may not have happened but it could have happened.
Want a little cheese with that whine, maestro?
Literature is one kind of aesthetic politics.
Every human in this world is greedy.
Everybody looks good in their own mirror!
Where there is no will, there is always a way out.
God is a necessary evil.
If you tweet for me, I'll tweet for you.
Sometimes simplicity brings you curiosity.
You can't have capitalism without racism.
All victories have their foundation in careful preparation.
The best things in life are the things you do by mistake.
Every drunk his own madness.
There are no lazy veteran lion hunters.