Children are the poem made flesh.
Self-doubt inflicts the deepest wounds.
The unsaid rules every conversation.
Love is the desire for another's happiness.
Destiny exists only in retrospect.
The only truths that last are the truths of the heart.
There is no fact which is not at least part fiction.
What is deeply felt is never lost.
What is is plenty, but more is never enough.
There is a madness that is joy, and a madness that is just madness.
We know death; it's life we don't know.
Tyranny begins with the laws of grammar.
It's so shameful of me: I like you.
All extreme opinions consume themselves.
The perfect plan is to have none.
Philosophers console themselves with explanations.
Only a poet can translate for the dead.
Education is the exchange of one set of prejudices for another.
A consistent outlook is inconsistent with reality.
Truth is not the rule, but the exception to the rule.
There are no sad days, only sad thoughts.