king reigns The forever title.
Money can't buy you happiness.
Do right simply because it is right.
Successful teaching is not head-to-head; it is heart-to-heart.
S.M.I.L.E - A Sweet Mile in Life's Experience
War is organized murder and nothing else
SUPERFRUIT!! The BEST YouTube Channel ever!
When I was left with no one to turn to, music was there
Rene Caron takes my breath away!
Patriotism is nationalism, and always leads to war.
It takes a society to raise a generation.
Spies and parents never sleep.
Tension is the Mirror of our Past.
Women will bring peace into this world.
Religion unites people.Politics divide them.
Wer sieben gute Bücher hat, braucht keine Menschen mehr.
Reality is how you look at it
we are not born to be PERFECT! but to be TRUE !
Nobody is perfect.. how can i.
Fill what is empty; empty what is full
The pursuit of the impossible through the useless.