Failing to plan is planning to fail.
Forgiving is not an easy thing to do.
What happened to me in Somalia doesn't define me.
Love will commit, or love will commit suicide.
To ease the pain, erase the anger.
If freedom rings, then bondage bombs.
All of life comes in seed form – not as monuments.
Worse than talking with a mouthful, is gossiping with a mouthful!
We are rich in hearts, but poor with love.
All leadership in the Kingdom is by example.
There are plenty of models who have children.
A journey indeed, in an emotional roller-coaster.
Your destiny is your responsibility”.
The good go for the better to come.
Life in itself has its own melody.
In the shade of words sits life itself.
Not everything is a love story.
The pain will always be in you — but you will not always be in pain.
God' is an excuse to justify hate.
love turns you into someone not you.
Outside it was dark, but not as dark as it was inside of me.