Friends; the more, the less!
It's not in the life, it's in the living.
All true are not truthful.
The universe is non-simultaneously apprehended
I'm a big advocate of drones.
What are we if we are not disciplined?
Haste is of the Devil.
Dreams are manifestation of the reality.
If God is anonymous, let it be.
Obama's capitalism is a capitalism of connections.
I'm going to quit writing.
Be a Person. Not a Resumé.
The gods look in pleasure on penitent sinners.
I was bitten by an octopus.
I'm a fan of Jeb Bush's.
Happiness grows best in the soil of contentment.
I want to be a psychologist.
If you're not creating, you're disintegrating.
My commitment is my commitment.
There are no obstacles for lovers.
Time is a conscientious Debunker.