If Americans could legally access prescription drugs outside the United States, then drug companies would be forced to re-evaluate their pricing strategy.
The race problem in the United States is the type of unpleasant problem which we would rather do without but which refuses to be buried.
Nine out of ten adult Americans have a checking account. It's the most widely used financial services product in the United States.
The main thing that endears the United Nations to member governments, and so enables it to survive, is its proven capacity to fail, and to be seen to fail.
Despite the negativity coming from the President's opponents, the United States remains fully committed to assisting the Iraqis in restoring security and rebuilding their nation.
There is a movement to get an international criminal court in the world, voted for by hundreds of states-but with the noticeable absence of the United States of America.
The dangerous American fascist is the man who wants to do in the United States in an American way what Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way.
America is a nation of immigrants, but it is also a nation of people who never emigrate. Notably, Americans living outside the United States are not called emigrants, but 'expats.'
I don't just whisper it, I say it and I say it: 'The United Nations is an anti-Semitic organization, an anti-Israel organization.'
Today nearly every combat brigade located within the United States would report that they are not ready for duty. They are at the lowest levels of readiness.
You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.
That was the principle of reparations to which President Truman agreed at Potsdam. And the United States will not agree to the taking from Germany of greater reparations than was provided by the Potsdam Agreement.
Well, I was 29 years old when I came to the United States Senate, and I have learned a lot.
Except for the title 'father,' there is no title, including 'vice president,' that I am more proud to wear than that of United States senator.
There's no such thing as the United Nations. If the U.N. secretary building in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference.
I think the rule should be that if we're going to take actions overseas that result in the deaths of people, the United States should take responsibility for that.
Japan is an important ally of ours. Japan and the United States of the Western industrialized capacity, 60 percent of the GNP, two countries. That's a statement in and of itself.
It's a beautiful drive across the United States. It's so interesting. I'm a proud Canadian, and there are so many beautiful parts of Canada, but the United States also has incredible diversity in its landscape.
Obama's foreign policy is strangely self-centered, focused on himself and the United States rather than on the conduct and needs of the nations the United States allies with, engages with, or must confront.
The United Nations did a study just over two years ago, and that blew my mind. I started thinking that if people are vegetarian for one day a week, that makes a huge difference!
It is the thing that keeps me up at night - the notion that you have individuals in the United States who are looking at computer screens and who are becoming radicalized.