Mr. Dawes Sr.: Well, do you have anything to say, Banks? George Banks: Well, sir, they do say that when there's nothing to say, all you can say... [He feels Michael's tuppence in his pocket, takes it out and looks at it] Mr. Dawes Sr.: Confound it, B...
Christian: It's a little bit funny. Satine: What? Christian: This feeling inside. I'm not one of those who can easily hide. Is this ok? Is this what you want? Satine: Ah, poetry. Yes, this it what I want naughty words. Christian: I don't have much mo...
Annie Wilkes: Anything else I can get for you while I am in town? How about a tiny tape recorder, or how about a handmade pair of writing slippers? Paul Sheldon: No, just the paper would be fine. Annie Wilkes: Are you sure? Because if you want I can ...
Sally: Lunch! Dr. Finkelstein: Mm, what's this? [sniffs] Dr. Finkelstein: Wormswort! Mmm... [prepares to take a bite but then sniffs suspiciously] Dr. Finkelstein: ...And frog's breath? Sally: [innocently] What's wrong? I thought you *liked* frog's b...
Rev. Harry Powell: [when he notices John staring at the words "love" and "hate" tattooed across his knuckles] Ah, little lad, you're staring at my fingers. Would you like me to tell you the little story of right-hand/left-hand? The story of good and ...
El Paso Sheriff: Yea, well, none of that explains your man though. Ed Tom Bell: Uh-huh. El Paso Sheriff: He's just a goddamn homicidal lunatic, Ed Tom. Ed Tom Bell: I'm not sure he's a lunatic. El Paso Sheriff: Yea well what would you call him? Ed To...
Devlin: I can't help recalling some of your remarks about being a new woman. Daisies and buttercups, wasn't it? Alicia: You idiot! What are you sore about, you knew very well what I was doing! Devlin: Did I? Alicia: You could have stopped me with one...
Young Noah: I see you got my letters, finally. What are you gonna do, Al? Young Allie: I don't know. Young Noah: We're back to that? Are we back there? What about the past couple of days? They happened, you know. Young Allie: I know that they happene...
[last lines] Secretary Bailey: [checking his pocket watch] It's 10:25. And I've got nothing left to lose. When you've been betrayed by a friend, you hit back. Do it. [Noodles is still and silent for a long time] Noodles: You see, Mr Secretary... I ha...
[singing] Ulysses Everett McGill: I am a man of constant sorrow, I've seen trouble all my days. I bid farewell to old Kentucky, the place where I was born and raised. Delmar O'Donnell, Pete: The place where he was born and raised. Ulysses Everett Mc...
Neal: Sir?... Sir?... Sir? [runs to man] Neal: Excuse me. I know this is your cab, but I'm desperately late for a plane, and I was wondering if I could appeal to your good nature and ask you to let me have it. New York Lawyer: I don't have a good nat...
King: Hey, Taylor. How in the fuck you get here anyway? Why, you look educated. Chris Taylor: I volunteered for it. King: You did what? Chris Taylor: I volunteered. I dropped out of college, and told them I wanted the infantry, combat, and Vietnam. C...
[David and Howard are eating lunch at school and studying for the "Pleasantville" Trivia Competition] Howard: Okay, in the very first "Pleasantville" episode, whose window did Bud break when he was playing with his father's golf clubs? David: Easy: M...
Foulfellow: [Picks up Pinocchio's schoolbook and apple, which he eats] Well, well. Quite the scholar, I see. Look, Giddy. A man of letters. Here's your book [hands book to Pinocchio] Pinocchio: I'm going to school. Foulfellow: School. Ah, yes. Then p...
[last lines] Norma Bates: [voiceover in police custody, as Norman is thinking] It's sad, when a mother has to speak the words that condemn her own son. But I couldn't allow them to believe that I would commit murder. They'll put him away now, as I sh...
Charlie: Patrick never likes to be serious, so it took me a while to get what happened. When he was a junior, Patrick started seeing Brad on the weekends in secret. I guess it was hard, too, because Brad had to get drunk every time they fooled around...
Mark Van Doren: I'm sorry, Charlie. I'm an old man, it's all a little difficult for me to comprehend! Charles Van Doren: It's television, Dad. It's... it's just... just television... Mark Van Doren: You make it sound like you didn't have a choice! Ch...
Colorado Ryan: How'd you come out with Burdette? John T. Chance: He wanted to talk to his brother. Colorado Ryan: What'd he have to say? John T. Chance: Nothing. Colorado Ryan: You mean he didn't say anything? John T. Chance: Why are you so intereste...
Mr. Pink: We were set up. The cops were waiting for us. Nice Guy Eddie: What? Nobody set anybody up. Mr. Pink: The cops were there waiting for us! Nice Guy Eddie: Bull shit! Mr. Pink: Hey, fuck you, man! You weren't there - we were! And I'm tellin' y...
Tagalong: Gee, you're beautiful. Sis: Are you going to marry Robin Hood? Tagalong: Mama says that you and Robin Hood are sweethearts. Marian: Well you see, that was several years ago before I left for London. Toby: Did he ever kiss you? Marian: Well ...
Hiss: Sire, taxes are pouring in, the jail is full. Oh and good news, Sire. Friar Tuck is in jail. Prince John: [Angry] Friar Tuck? It's Robin Hood I want, you idiot! Oh, I'd give all my gold if I could get my hands on. Did you say, Friar Tuck? Hiss:...