This human need for mysticism – surrender to an unknown truth, union – stands at the helm of all romantic feeling. It is, in essence, the same intimacy known in a mother’s arms; in those who are deprived of the experience, the need freezes and,...
We watched each other evolve into parents, with all the fear, rage and confusion evolution can involve. Our eight-year-old is the incarnation of our union; we are forever fused by her blood. My old take on romance seemed vaguely ludicrous, as affecte...
Memories do not change, and change is the law of existence. If our dead, the closest, the most beloved, were to return to us after a long absence and instead of the old, familiar trees were to find in our souls English gardens and stone walls -- that...
Oh! Thanks for the public service announcement about what not to do in college, Mr. Eighteen-year-old-frat-boy-with-eleventy-billion-'serious'-girlfriends-under-his-belt! Get in the fucking car. You're a mean drunk. You haven't seen me mean, mama's b...
I come home that morning, after I been fired, and stood outside my house with my new work shoes on. The shoes my mama paid a month's worth a light bill for. I guess that's when I understood what shame was and the color of it too. Shame ain't black, l...
I sit on the bed. I remember a golden bracelet, thin gold, an apple with a bite taken out of it for the clasp, and the words "I Love You," and I take it out from the box of treasures under the bed. I remember Mama said, "I mean it. Though we never sa...
U Žepču kažu da ti niko »nafaku« ne može uzeti, a u Sarajevu opet vele da niko sudbini umaći ne može. U Žepču ti »nafaka«, u Sarajevu sudbina. Ima, čini mi se Šolohov knjigu »Čovjekova sudbina«... (To se ja dvoumim zato što je u S...
Forrest Gump: Mama always said, God is mysterious. He didn't turn Jenny into a bird that day. But instead - he had the po-lice say Jenny didn't have to stay in that house no more. She went to live with her grandma, just over on Creekmore Avenue. And ...
Buddy Threadgoode Jr.: Mommy, I can hit! You should see me. Aunt Idgie. She hit me in the back with a curveball. I didn't duck, and I hardly cried. Ruth: She hit you? Well, she did that to me once too but I think I did cry. Buddy Threadgoode Jr.: Mam...
Coach Boone: [after Gary got into his car accident] I don't know mama, maybe Yost was right. Maybe I pushed him too hard. Carol Boone: Gary had an accident. Sometimes life's just hard, for no reason at all. Coach Boone: Do you think I was blinded by ...
Lyle Gorch: [the Bunch is riding into Angel's village] Hey, Angel! Why don't you tell your folks to feed them dogs? Angel: Any insult to my family while we are here and I will kill you! Lyle Gorch: Hey, Angel; do you have a sister? Angel: [angrily] S...
Tenoch: Me too Luisa: You too what Tenoch? Tenoch: Julio! Me too faggot! Julio Zapata: You too what? Tenoch: I fucked Ceci, your girlfriend! Luisa: What? Julio Zapata: That's not true! When? Tenoch: After the Plastilina concert Julio Zapata: Fuck! Th...
Toward the end, a band that had a young fellow from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—I remember on account of him saying it two or three times and laughing every time that he did—played a song called 'All She Gets from the Iceman is Ice.' It made the g...
De câte ori auzea de o femeie care și-a lăsat bărbatul pentru altul, mama-ntreba: <> Problema pentru mine n-ar fi să mă despart de cineva. De când m-am desparțit de tine, consider bărbații posibili din viața mea ca pe-o excursie, ca pe-o v...
Mama, you don’t understand. It’s all a matter of ideas, and God is just one idea I don’t acept. It’s not important. I am not going out and commit crimes or be immoral because I don’t believe in God. I don’t even think about it. It’s jus...
There were times when I would sob until I shook, until my eyelids were so swollen that it pained me to open them, and through hiccoughs, trembling, I would hiss, don’t touch me! as he moved to place a gentle hand on my shoulder. There were times wh...
My handsome husband and I didn’t make love for almost six months. I was enraptured, lost to my old life, and, in this obsession, disregarded author Ayelet Waldman – who famously wrote of her 'smug well-being' and 'always vital, even torrid' sex l...
you got a sad story, ruth,' mimba said. 'but not sad-sad. you here with me and cato and all us together now. you have a happy-sad story. best you can get in this life is happy-sad. but you always gotta remember your own mama that birthed you. even th...
She had hit rock-bottom. She had given a blow job to a man who for all intents and purposes, was a bum. He had smelled so bad, she forced him to spray on some of the perfume she always carried in her purse. Her favorite perfume. After tonight, she wa...
We women think men are obsessed with sex, and we’re so wrong. Men care about being comfortable. Old jackets, old habits, old ways, old sweethearts, they want all that. They hate change, it gets them unsettled, and they get enough of that when they ...
Erős karok ölelték át a derekát, szilárdan tartották. Hálásan dőlt a kemény mellkasnak. – Mi történt? – ismerte fel Lord Saint-Germain mély hangját. – Nem tudom – felelte Alexandreia nyilvánvalóan ismét a sírás határán. ...