Lily Potter: Harry, you are so loved. Mama loves you. Dada loves you. Harry, be safe. Be strong.
King George VI: [speaking of Wallis Simpson] And you put that woman in our mother's suite! King Edward VIII: Mama's not still in the bed, is she? King George VI: That's not funny.
Clark: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get back on the express way? Pimp: Fuck yo mama! Clark: Thank you very much.
Young Tyrone: I told you I would make it Mama. Tyrone's Mother: Oh, you don't have to make anything, my sweet, you just have to love your mother.
Mama Montana: [to Tony] Why do you have to hurt everything you touch? Why do you have to destroy everything that comes your way? ¡Malagradecido! ¡Mal hijo! [translation: Ungrateful! Bad son!]
Ennis Del Mar: [with his arms around Jack] C'mon now, you're sleepin' on your feet like a horse. My mama used to say that to me when I was little. And sing to me... [humming]
If I'm feeling in a naughty mood, I'll steal some of Mama's Creme De La Mer. If I'm feeling in a very naughty mood, I'll steal some of Daddy's Creme De La Mer. On the whole though, I'm very low maintenance.
I know I can't tell you what it's like to be gay. But I can tell you what it's not. It's not hiding behind words, Mama. Like family and decency and Christianity.
I'll get depressed out on the road simply because I'm not being the mama that's cooking supper every night, or that's fixing my husband's plate and my baby's plate. You miss those things, and I miss them.
I went to state in track, won the girls' city championship, and did well in volleyball. I was a varsity cheerleader. So you know, shoot, I've got a couple of letters and things! Last I counted, I think there were eight in my mama's house.
When your mama was the geek, my dreamlets," Papa would say, "she made the nipping off of noggins such a crystal mystery that the hens themselves yearned toward her, waltzing around her, hypnotized with longing.
Happiness is free, Mama says, as sure as the blinkin' stars, the withered arms the trees throw down for our fires, the waterproofin' on our skin, and the tongues of wind curlin' the walnut leaves before slidin' down our ears.
If Gran says, 'Reach for the stars--that way, if you miss, you'll land on the moon,' then Mama says, 'If you spend all your time reaching for the stars, don't come crying to me when you walk right into a tree.
I wonder whether my love would be divided up more between him and Mama if I'd had him for longer, but I don't think so. I think we stretch out forever in our hearts.
Our culture is now one of masculine triumphalism, in which transhistorically feminine expressions – empathy, sweetness, volubility, warmth – are seen as impediments to a woman’s professional trajectory in many sectors.
It is only through my daughter that I have come to realise that a life without femininity – devoid of mystery, emotion, gentleness and the unerring power of a woman’s love – is no life at all.
For years, I had used these fractured men to justify my cynicism and workaholism, and the grief, insomnia and casual anorexia were no longer of any interest to me.
Tri godine trajao je period pretvaranja u kanadskoga drzavljanina. To je vrijeme po misljenju tamosnjih vlasti dovoljno da covjek zaboravi na sve razloge koji ga vuku kuci i da prihvati kako kuca vise ne postoji ili je barem nema tamo gdje si rodjen.
Mama says that satisfaction isn't what I should search for. Respect is. Respect? I detest that word. Probably because in this world you have to respect the wrong people for the wrong reasons.
. “Don’t be a stranger. And pray about that petition you filed.” “Mama,” Paul groaned. That was the Christian way of saying “I know you’re wrong but you won’t take my word for it, so God will have to explain it to you.
Mama loves to be generous and then keep reminding the unfortunate person she bestows her generosity on the depth of the indebtedness they have to feel. We, her children brush that aside with a smile, but it hasn't gone down well with our spouses.