Southerners smile more than other Americans.
Allowing yourself to smile takes 99% of the effort.
A smile is a facelift that's in everyone's price range!
All of the men on my staff can type.
Books are not men and yet they stay alive.
A gentleman is simply a patient wolf.
'The Economist' is a biased organization.
The smile of the morning doesn't judge the day.
Unplanned pregnancy is an equal-opportunity affliction.
Patriots don't let their nation default.
I want to light the lights of patriotism.
I distinguish, between nationalism and patriotism.
Booty Butt, Booty Butt, Booty Butt Cheeks
I have reached a limit in my work.
Honor lies in honest toil.
Eventually my mother suffered a complete breakdown, and the court orders were finally signed. They took her to the State Mental Hospital at Kalamazoo. My mother remained in the same hospital at Kalamazoo for about 26 years. My last visit, when I knew...
The ABC's are attitude, behavior and communication skills.
The problem was just a mean attitude that festers and has to be challenged.
If Ottawa giveth, then Ottawa can taketh away.
I do what makes me laugh.
Smile is a good reply to the dark world.