There was a point I could have just churned out the spot and spin paintings for ever and laughed all the way to the bank.
All that we know is nothing, we are merely crammed wastepaper baskets, unless we are in touch with that which laughs at all our knowing.
In the garden of humanity every baby is a fresh new flower who can smile, laugh, giggle, dance, love and sing with mother earth.
Let us express our deepest gratitude for every moment that we spend in loving, laughing, and living out time that we call life.
When my comedy get's someone to react... anger, laughing, crying, whatever... I know I did my job
I'm not trying to teach anybody anything, I'm not trying to say anything, I have no political motive whatsoever. My motive is just the big laugh.
Any woman who laughs as dope as she does won't ever have trouble finding men.
When you can light your water on fire due to methane contamination in your ground water, what else can you do but laugh?
I certainly never thought I would run for office myself. If someone had suggested it, I would have laughed out loud.
[after watching a damning NBC special report] Jim Garrison: At least my reputation is still fine with people watching "Laugh In".
War is good for absolutely nothing, because no matter how far and wide apart we may live, we're all the same under the skin. We all want to live, laugh and love.
Cynthia Rose Purley: You gotta laugh, ain't ya sweetheart? Else you'd cry.
When you're not at the top of your game and you feel like the other team is laughing and embarrassing you by doing certain things, it's time to retaliate.
People... need a time to laugh. It's up to us to bonk ourselves on the head and slip on a banana peel so the average guy can say, 'I may be bad, honey, but I'm not as much of an idiot as that guy on the screen.'
I don't think any other emotion is the equivalent of laughter. So I do whatever I can to laugh all the time and to hide my pain.
You always draw on your experiences with live audiences to know how to do comedy on films. You're working for a laugh that may or may not come six months later, but you're working in a vacuum at the time you are doing it.
I'm still fighting really hard to get any role I get. If it's comedy, I go for the laughs. And if it's drama, I try to tell the truth, and try to play the real stakes of whatever scenario the character's in.
Sally: Well obviously those three girls were just... Brian, Sally: [both laughing] ... the wrong three girls.
Old Mr.: [Sofia begins to laugh after years of silence] My God, the dead has arisen.
Jean-Dominique Bauby: A poet once said, "Only a fool laughs when nothing's funny"
Theo: [laughing as a LAPD SWAT armored vehicle is hit with a missile] Oh my God, the quarterback is TOAST!