The Bride: Then give me one of these. Hattori Hanzo: They're not for sale. The Bride: I didn't say "sell me", I said "give me". Hattori Hanzo: [laughs] Why should I help you? The Bride: Because my vermin is a former student of yours. And considering ...
A lot of times, you could play me just the laughs from my set, and I could tell you, from the laugh, what the joke was. Because they match.
Mendoza: Are you laughing at me? Gabriel: I am laughing because what I see is laughable. I see a coward, a man running from the world.
I remember one time when all the nuns in my Catholic grade school got around in a semicircle, me and Mom in the middle, and they said, 'Mrs. Farley, the children at school are laughing at Christopher, not with him.' I thought, 'Who cares? As long as ...
Weeping bride, laughing wife, laughing bride, weeping wife.
It's better to make people laugh than cry.
One longs to be funny, to make people laugh. Laughter is such a sign of approval, isn't it?
If you're too serious to make life a laughing matter, then you seriously need to make laughter matter to you today and every day!
I think it's almost easier to make people cry than to make people laugh.
Some people are very lucky, and have the story in their heads. I've never storyboarded anything. I like the idea of chance. What makes God laugh is people who make plans.
I've been acting since second grade, telling stories, making my parents laugh here and there, so I'm hoping my 'thing' is acting. But I also make a really good bread pudding.
I just say what I think is the funniest thing I could say. I'm not trying to make headlines. I'm just trying to say the stuff that I think is funny and will make people laugh.
We're just trying to make ourselves laugh. We realize critics are going to hate it, but it just makes fans like it more.
I was so in love with the idea of making people laugh for a living that I didn't care what I had to do to get there. Or how much money I was going to make when I did get there.
I want to keep working, I want to keep doing my humanitarian stuff around the world, shining light on different places that have problems. Keep making movies, make people laugh.
Make them laugh, make them cry, and hack to laughter. What do people go to the theatre for? An emotional exercise. I am a servant of the people. I have never forgotten that.
Do what makes you happy; Be with who makes you smile; Laugh as much as you breathe; & love as long as you live.
Comedy is much more difficult than tragedy-and a much better training, I think. It's much easier to make people cry than to make them laugh.
And Annie showed me how ailanthus trees grow under subway and sewer gratings, stretching toward the sun, making shelter in the summer, she said, laughing, for the small dragons that live under the streets.
Why did you laugh right before you lost consciousness.” “Death’s an adventure. I lived big. Rigor mortis makes your face stick. So, who knew how to thaw me?” “Death’s an insult.” “At least an affront,” I agree.
A tragedy is a tragedy, and at the bottom, all tragedies are stupid. Give me a choice and I'll take over every time. Any fool with steady hands and a working set of lungs can build up a house of cards and then blow it down, but it takes a genius to m...