I am friends with Demi. Don't believe anything you read.
I firmly believe that IBM's size can be used to its advantage.
I want a kiss to be so believable it gives the reader shivers.
Believe that life is taking you down a wonderful path!
I have always believed that you win fights round by round.
I don't worry about whether a character is likable, as long as the character is believable.
I've always believed in challenging Republicans where they think they are strongest.
No one believes me when I talk about this, but I'm really, really maternal.
I don't believe that when you are 25 you are over the hill. Fifty is the new 30.
I really believe that every character comes from the well of the artist.
First of all - I only believe what I see.
I've been told before, and I tend to believe it, I'm not like most actresses out there.
I'm genuine and people can believe what I say.
A believer shall not be stung twice out of the same hole.
I personally believe we were put here to build and not to destroy.
I am one of the lucky ones; believe me, I haven't forgotten that.
Always believe in your ability to surprise yourself
I just believe that whatever I post should be my content.
Someone once told me to believe 5 percent of what everybody tells you.
In four months we could actually have an administration that believes in science.
I’ve been married but I’m not anymore. And I still believe in love.