Remember Stalingrad. Remember the crash of 1929. Remember the Industrial Revolution. Now remember that I am the proletariat cog in the machine that causes the meltdown of the aristocratic assembly line. Ben Franklin was a man of vision. Ben wore bifo...
Edie Stall: My husband does not know you. He wouldn't know you, somebody like you. Carl Fogaty: Oh, he knows Carl Fogarty all right. He knows me intimately. See? [points to his clouded left eye] Carl Fogaty: This isn't a completely dead eye, it still...
Young Pharmacy Kid: Strong, strong stuff here. What exactly you have wrong, you need all this stuff? Linda Partridge: Motherfucker... Young Pharmacy Kid: What are you talking about? Linda Partridge: Who the fuck are you, who the fuck do you think you...
Del: I know you don't I? I'm usually very good with names but I'll be damned if I haven't forgotten yours. Neal: You stole my cab. Del: I never stole anything in my life. Neal: I hailed a cab on park avenue this afternoon and before I could get in it...