Status is a funny thing. Money gets you stuff, at least. Status doesn't get you much except the knowledge that you have it. And while money may not make you happy, it is easy to imagine someone who decides they have enough. With status, you can never...
Dead song-birds make a sad meal.
One bamboo does not make a forest.
Frequent washing makes not the crow whiter.
A brilliant daughter makes a brittle wife.
A good fire makes a quick cook.
A merry host makes merry guests.
A sad bride makes a glad wife.
Many hands make light work.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
A fair booty makes a fair thief.
It takes all sorts to make a world.
Soft fire makes sweet malt.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
Money makes even dogs dance.
To believe a thing impossible is to make it so.
To believe a thing is impossible is to make it so.
Good pay makes happy workers.
Two make an army against one.
The world would not make a racehorse of a donkey.
A rakish bachelor makes a jealous husband.