As a former English major, I have always been fascinated by the connections between literature and history.
Unfortunately, our history has abundant examples of patriotism being used to hurt those who express views in disagreement with that of the majority.
It used to be that you'd have a song recorded by a major country artist and if it was a hit, you could buy a car. Now you can buy a dealership.
One, with God, is always a majority, but many a martyr has been burned at the stake while the votes were being counted.
I go through major crises every few months, but then I have great peaks of belief and creativity. I'm a weird kind of animal.
In the past the great majority of minority voters, in Ohio and other places that means African American voters, cast a large percentage of their votes during the early voting process.
It was the beginning of film for television. So we had all of these great opportunities. Northwestern was probably the only major film school of its kind at the time that was graduating anybody important.
The great majority of people are calm, resourceful, altruistic or even beyond altruistic, as they risk themselves for others. We improvise the conditions of survival beautifully.
The crusades of Vietnam and Watergate seemed like a good idea at the time, even a noble one, not only to the press but perhaps to a majority of Americans.
I'd rather play in the major leagues and have some bad games than play consistently good ball in the minors.
Having served as the majority spokesman for the House Ways and Means Committee after Republicans took the House in 1994, I've seen the promise and the peril of divided government before.
Many in local government will ask why should only a few areas have the freedoms and benefits of Enterprise Zone status while the majority lose out?
The fight against AIDS in China is already well underway. The Chinese government and other funders are providing major support, and they'll continue to bear primary responsibility for delivering prevention and treatment.
I didn't do improv in college, I never performed, I didn't do theater either. I was in student government, I was a history major.
This show has been a major revitalization of my family life and personal life. It gave my family an avenue to speak to me honestly.
In Britain, polls show large majorities in favour of mansion taxes and higher taxes on the finance sector.
It is a measure of the framers' fear that a passing majority might find it expedient to compromise 4th Amendment values that these values were embodied in the Constitution itself.
Compared to developed countries, or even to some major emerging countries, burdened by aging populations, financial crises, widening budget deficits, faltering faith in politics and growing social demands, Africa has become the world's last 'New Fron...
It makes me forget that I'm not going to be a major star and lead female in films whether it was 20 years ago, 10 years ago, five or in the future.
When it comes to serious cuts to major programs like Medicaid, the American people are not calling for leadership but magic. They want cuts with no pain.
Even though I'm from the Midwest, the majority of my life has been spent on the coasts where being gay wasn't really much of a conversation.