I don't consider myself to be a major talent, so the only solace I can take is to hope I'm growing.
One major challenge within happiness is loneliness. The more I've learned about happiness, the more I've come to believe that loneliness is a terrible, common, and important obstacle to consider.
Major league baseball is about the history of the game. Baseball history is so important. It's so much more than money.
There are three major social issues that this country is struggling with: education, poverty, and drugs. Two of them we talk about, and one of them we don't.
I believe very strongly that corporations could and should be a major force for resolving social and environmental concerns in the twenty-first century.
Once you make the majors, it's never a great feeling to go back to the minors - no matter what the circumstances.
I think the stuff that plays on the radio, the majority of it is for teenagers, which is okay. That's what pop radio is about. And some of it is great, and some of it is not.
I have only one yardstick by which I test every major problem - and that yardstick is: Is it good for America?
I majored in Chinese Studies. I'm probably the only director of chicken Indian zombie movies who can speak pretty good Mandarin.
The great majority of Scientologists I know are good people who are genuinely interested in improving conditions on this planet and helping others.
It's easy to have a good season but if you want to have a great season you have got to win a major tournament.
I fear that the hearts of the vast majority of mankind would beat on strongly and steadily and without any quickening if the league were to perish altogether.
I was determined to make Renaissance Man Food Services and Herschel's Famous 34 major players in a very tough industry.
The funny thing is, people's perceptions of what a song is about is usually wrong a majority of the time. But they're still going to read what they want to into it.
Therefore the vast majority of the people who affirm leftist beliefs think of their views as the only way to properly think about life.
My life has never been easy. It's like all the major events of my life have always been difficult.
I think the police are a major part of the glue that holds civilised life together. They're not highly paid.
Nearly all of the major kinds of life, divisions of life, phyla of animals, occur in the sea. Only about half of them can make it to land or freshwater.
But in my life, the vast majority of people that have really afforded me the opportunity to succeed were white folks.
I fantasized about being a psychology major when I first started school, and I took a handful of Psych 101 classes.
Five to 10 years from now, if not sooner, the vast majority of 'The New Republic' readers are likely to be reading it on a tablet.