The vast majority of Pittsburghers don't come from any kind of serious dough.
Life is the desert, life the solitude, death joins us to the great majority.
Democracy encourages the majority to decide things about which the majority is ignorant.
[an SS officer is approaching under a white flag] Major Harry Carlyle: Rather interesting development, sir. [to the German] Major Harry Carlyle: That's far enough! We can hear you from there! SS Panzer Officer: My general says there is no point in co...
Mr. Parker: It's a Major Award! Swede: A Major Award? Shucks, I wouldn't know that. It looks like a lamp. Mr. Parker: It is a lamp, you nincompoop, but it's a Major Award. I won it! Swede: Damn, hell, you say won it? Mr. Parker: Yeah, mind power, Swe...
Major John Reisman: Which one of you guys wants to be a general? [to Pinkley] Major John Reisman: Pinkley? Pinkley: What kind of general, sir? Major John Reisman: Just a plain, ordinary, every day, home-lovin' American general. Pinkley: I'd rather be...
Bio-Technology is expected to play a major role in improving productivity.
Our Constitution does not profess to have been established simply by the majority, but by 'the people' - the minority as much as the majority.
Tori Amos had a major influence on how I craft words in a song.
In November 2004, U.S. occupation forces launched their second major attack on the city of Falluja. The press reported major war crimes instantly, with approval.
Field Marshall Gerd von Runstedt: Let's get to the point. Air power? Major General Gunther Blumentritt: Air power, Field Marshall... Field Marshall Gerd von Runstedt: Briefly, please. Major General Gunther Blumentritt: Air power is minimal. Field Mar...
I'm a golfer not a history major.
I'm an indie artist with major distribution, so one foot in the extreme major music business and one foot in the abyss of indie artists.
I came from a broken home, so my mom was a major influence in my life.
I went to college. I had a double major in biology and physical education, but my major was wrestling.
I have one yardstick by which I test every major problem - and that yardstick is: Is it good for America?
Success in Iraq will be a major setback for terrorists and a major asset for the security of this region. The struggle for Iraq is the struggle for the future of the world.
Major sports are major parts of society. It's not anomalous to have people who love sports come from other parts of that society.
I had higher math SATs than in English - yet I became an English major in college.
I don't care how hot a girl is - if she doesn't like animals, it would be a major, major problem.
I was actually a poetry major in college before I punted and decided to become a theater major. I wrote the poem that we put on the sauerkraut boxes in the style of Elling.