Steam seems to have killed all gratitude in the hearts of sailors.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the SeaThe league, I think, is doing well. It's growing, it's maturing, and it's becoming a better league.
Cobi JonesWho in their infinite wisdom decreed that Little League uniforms be white? Certainly not a mother.
Erma BombeckIt was like the Justice League of Super Heroes but instead it was the Justice League of Hot Guys.
Rock Chick RescueIf there were no thunder, men would have little fear of lightning.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the SeaManaging games comes second. Managing people comes first.
Where Nobody Knows Your Name: Life In the Minor Leagues of BaseballMajority wins, but majority is not necessarily right and sometimes majority is awfully wrong.
Amit KalantriOh, figures!' answered Ned. 'You can make figures do whatever you want.
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea