I think La Liga is the best league in the world.
Brooks Robinson belongs in a higher league.
The Champions League is the competition everyone wants to be in.
If the Indy Racing League didn't have the Indianapolis 500, do you think it would have lasted more than six months? No chance.
Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world.
I always liked the defensive part of baseball.
Baseball gets better for whatever reason.
Baseball wasn't easy for me.
I wasn't ever good enough to be on the baseball team and that sort of stuff.
I love my baseball, and I love my Phillies.
I'm married to football, baseball is my girlfriend.
There's nothing bad that accrues from baseball.
I watch a lot of baseball on the radio.
No former player has owned a team in baseball.
I'm a football guy. Baseball, I enjoy it at playoff time.
I love the game of baseball.
I love baseball, and the door remains open.
The vast majority of incest begins years before the earliest conceivable age of consent. p4
I became an art major, took every art class my school had to offer. In college, I majored in Advertising Art and Design.
Truth is a continuous examination, and Fact... always supersedes belief.
A parapet of breeze tonight on which to lean my melancholy