The fact is that I find more most men are more open, more generous, and much more stimulating than the majority of females I know.
Anyone who knows me knows my mom, Dorcina, has to sign off on any decision and that she will play a major part in any decision.
Although charismatic, James Dean is no Harrison Ford. In the majority of his movies, sooner or later he got the crap beaten out of him.
I think one of the major things a director has to do is to know his subject matter, the subject matter of his script, know the truth and the reality of it. That's very important.
Of course, the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not terrorists or sympathetic to terrorists. Equating all Muslims with terrorism is stupid and wrong.
The major problem of the world is, most of the people are unjustifiably angry and very few are loving.
I think, for the majority of my twenties, I was always so concerned with what I didn't have, or what I still wanted.
My hometown was one of the major U.S. Air Force bases.
The wise have always said the same things, and fools, who are the majority have always done just the opposite.
A certain amount of impatience may be useful to stimulate and motivate us to action. However, I believe that a lack of patience is a major cause of the difficulties and unhappiness in the world today.
In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme.
Our two major parties are actually called the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party.
The political machine triumphs because it is a united minority acting against a divided majority.
I was a jazz major in high school, in an all-jazz band. No matter what I do, it features my musical influences.
As a major economic force worldwide, India and Indian companies have the opportunity to set the standards in Asia in terms of women's right to decent work.
The Korean War has also show quite clearly that in a major conflict manpower is as important as horsepower.
God wants you to live a life larger than you and whenever He brings you into something new, it’s always somehow connected to impacting people’s lives and making the world a better place.
Stop blaming people for not helping you to solve your problems. The question is simple "are they the ones in the problem with you"? People may teach you, people may advise you, people may inspire you, but it takes YOU to go the extra mile and make an...
Your intelligence enhances your ability to think and recollect, dream and set realistic goals. Your stamina is built on your passion for progress and willingness to excel... When you have a great stamina, you can make great impact even with a low int...
The front edge of the shockwave impacts the earth and you’re both shoved to your backs against the crumbling asphalt of the parking lot, and then crushed into oblivion as the Earth, along with every celestial body of your solar system, is disintegr...
The issue, perhaps, boils down to one of how perceptions or misperceptions of racial difference impact various individuals’, or groups of individuals’, experience of freedom in America. Some would argue that it goes beyond hampering their 'pursui...