We are not in the world, the world is inside us.
It is your future that really matters.
An innovator sees things not as they are, but as they could be.
Do according to your capability.
Go according to your curiosity.
Be peaceful to bring peace to the world.
For peace, look not outside but inside.
Never be haughty to the humble or humble to the haughty.
I have no plans to run for president.
This is the worst administration since Caligula.
Do as you would be done by
Passion + Purpose = BLISS :)
I really write for people.
The asbestos problem impacts everyone.
Innovation is creativity with a job to do.
Writing opens the door to imagination.
Don't write to sell, write to tell.
The fact is, feminism is not what it used to be.
The unnatural, that too is natural.
To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.
Rancor is an outpouring of a feeling of inferiority.