A start up messed up at the foundation cannot be fixed.
L.A.'s magic has let me see every level of the dream.
He who lives by the crystal ball will eat shattered glass.
Ensure that your script is watertight. If it's not on the page, it will never magically appear on the screen.
There is no decision that we can make that doesn't come with some sort of balance or sacrifice.
The lonesome and desperate kids out there, that pain will translate to magic perhaps.
In America, magic has never been an important part of peoples' lives.
Nothing is more magical than time. Nothing is more real than time.
Fall in love with the first one and the magic never fails to continue.
There's just something that is kind of magical that happens when we sing live.
As a person, I do ascribe to a lot of magical thinking myself.
There is something magical about losing yourself in a world that doesn't exist.
The greatest magic of life is that all things in life can be changed!
The most perfect magic for a child is the touch of a loving hand!
Every library is a palace; every book is a king; every reading is a magic!
Lovers are the coolest their hearts beat the best & they kiss magic as hell
Magic Johnson was my favorite player growing up.
Through the magic of art imaginary worlds become real.
I don't like magic - but I have been known to make guys disappear.
Advertisers now have a highly targeted opportunity for aligning their brands alongside the entertainment experience people are enjoying on YouTube.
Within HTC, hundreds of ideas are tested and discarded to find those rare ideas that define the HTC user experience.