There is no such thing as magic. Just that which you do not understand.
The magic question is, 'What for?' But art is not for anything. Art is the ultimate goal.
Magic and disbelief are like magnets repelling.
People and events of wonder and magic are the lifeblood of the world.
Magic or nature, they were much the same thing to Magnus.
Fuck me, I thought. I can do magic.
Don't judge what you don't know.
What is wrong with you? Many, many things.
I’m a magician with no magic, and that’s no one at all.
I have yet to be completely submerged in reality, for drowning in the sky.
Well, check this out. Mine is bigger.
Sometimes even the imagination lets one down.
Respect is a kind of magic too, you know.
To each his own magic.
This was the magic of feasting & fucking, of savoring the blood of a kill & calling the Pack to dine.
Dark, primitive magic. Swords Against Death.
You are the closest I will ever come to magic.
I hope that my investment into Atomico will become my best financial investment to date.
Pau is one of the best big men in the game. I mean, Pau Gasol is going to be in the Hall of Fame.
Do you think magic exists if it can be explained?
CNN can still afford 36 bureaus around the world.