The emptiness made her insides ache.
In such seconds of decision entire futures are made.
History made when mindset changed.
Sand castles just aren't made to last.
Wanderer, there is no road, the road is made by walking.
A hand fought best when it made a fist.
One evening we made love all morning.
Running made you look guilty.
Terror made me cruel . . .
Some of the best ideas that we've invested in have made no sense to conventional sources.
I know some of the best Dolly Parton jokes. I made 'em up myself.
The trouble with those people is that they think all the best things are made in the cities. It is not so.
The scandal happened and I made the best of it. I kind of feel like in the end it was a blessing.
I made the most of my ability and I did my best with my title.
The best decision I ever made, period, was to get into the music business.
I just made my album. I did my best. And I uploaded the video just to 'YouTube.' That was all.
Sadat made us feel more secure.
No business can be made easier to do than excuses are to make.
I didn't want it to be a book that made pronouncements.
Decisions are made by those who show up.
The Constitution was made for ordinary people.