In the first place God made idiots. This was for practice. Then he made school boards.
Following the Equator: A Journey Around the WorldIn a post-Christian, skeptical age, love on display is the most convincing apologetic.
Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity RevolutionaryAwe combined with intimacy is the essence of Christian worship.
Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity RevolutionaryHaving fun is a pretty powerful way to start any serious relationship.
How to Have a Match Made in HeavenSometimes it made her want to put her fist through glass; other times, it made her cry a river.
Salem FallsSensuality isn’t a crime,though you act like showing a little skin will kill you.
Match Made in HellDamien glared at the buxom beauty before him and almost gave in to the urge to strangle her himself.
Match Made in HellOh, Vasu. People always talk; you have to learn to ignore them.
Not All Marriages are Made in HeavenWe made love like we made dinner. We had leftovers.
Love quotes for the ages. Specifically ages 18-81.However far back you go you will find all experiences linked by slender threads.
Philosophy Made SimpleI just made ice cream. Accidentally. I made regular cream, and then winter kicked in.
This Book is Not FOR SALEYou do what you were made to do. Some of us were made to read and write. Thanks be to God.
Walking a Literary Labryinth